Different Perspectives, same Story

Jack Herrera

Two Very Different Perspectives

It is not unusual to find biased opinions in the news. They actually happen more frequently than not. There is a tiny percentage of news outlets that aren't biased at all. A great example for news outlets that are biased are CNN and FOX news. One topic that I found was quite interesting was the articles both of these news outlets made on the H.R. 1 bill. The title of the article coming from FOX is "Dems target Trump tax returns in first bill under house majority" and he title of the article coming from CNN is "House Democratic priorities in new Congress: Trump tax returns and tackling corruption". Already before I could even read the article I already knew which sides the two news outlets are on and that these articles are most likely going to be biased. When there is any kind of bias opinion or information in an article, the article already starts to lose it's purpose to the reader. I know this because when I wanted to know more about the caravan that was coming to the US I looked at an article from FOX news. They said that the caravan was armed and they were dangerous. However when I was talking to someone at school they said that is not at all true and they are just people who left everything behind to come to the US. When you hear two different things it's sometimes hard to believe which one is right. Even if the source is the news which is supposed to be professional and not biased. Therefore these two articles might be on the same topic but they are very, very different.

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Both Articles: 
"Dems target Trump tax returns in first bill under house majority"
"House Democratic priorities in new Congress: Trump tax returns and tackling corruption"


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